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New Coder/ Programmer Needed

Hello Everyone, Just letting you know if anyone in the Coding/ Programing field is interested in teaming with me, in a new Text/ Image based RPG for Facebook, can have more idea about the project on that Youtube Video. I am also interested in adding new team members such as a Graphic Designer or Illustrator, and another Coder or Game designer. Moderators who are willing to help have already been contacted and will join the team when the need will be for the Beta Testing and Publishing.

I have been working on that project since 6 years now and has prepared and done all the basics before "Physically" starting working on the Game through my actual Master's Degree that am doing right now at Uni and will graduate at the end of the year 2017.

Experienced acquired through similar text/ image based games since 2008 on Facebook has been a plus for myself as being in among mainly all the similar games I've played has shown me up on the Legends/ Leaderboards lists. Hence I know those types of games from A to Z and the reason why I always had a wish to design and publish one.

Some of the Game Artworks or Illustrations can be seen on the "Game" section/ page of my website.

One last thing, the Programmer that will team up with me will be co-owner of the project and in the future benefit any profit the game company will make, and will be equally shared, for the time and effort he has put into it.

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